The Courtyard Juices and Fitness Center

Kundalini Yoga Retreat Series with Cindy Male
with Cynthia Male

February 23 (Thursday)
at 6:30 am

Class length
90 minutes

In Studio

Sat., Feb. 18 - Prosperity  comes from the heart center. The heart center is the place
of attraction. The more you can open to this fourth chakra, the more you can attract.  You
must eliminate miserly thoughts and habilt. You do that through compassion of the heart.

Sun., Feb. 19 - Self Sabotage obstructs our own path.We do not claim our prosperity
when we choose to self sabotage. It is a real option and we want to make sure we are choosing
to conquer self animosity with renewed self concept.

Mon., Feb 20 - Stability in the face of pain and opposition is harnessed emotion put
to good use. Learning to be thankful for the challenges of ‘opposite winds’ helps us to reach
new heights.  We will be using reserve energy to plow through opposition.

Tues., Feb 21 - Instability through detached connection with intuitive intelligence
creates runaway thoughts and emotional havoc. Energy in the form of emotion is commotion.
This class is about using chaos to shift your field.

Wed, Feb 22 - “Humility in action is universal consciousness.” You have to summon up
all your steadiness, strength, and sweetness to observe your vastness.  And in that vastness
you will be humbled. We will be working with strengthening the nervous system and perception.

Thurs., Feb. 23 - Compassion leaves the lower triangle of chakras behind and paves
the way for creation through the non-material planes. It can be cultivated by serving others.
“Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.” This class is about getting over yourself.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
